
20062023Gyslaine LE GAL est née à Nantes en France. Elle s’est lancée dans l’écriture de poèmes d’amour en créant son blog, d’abord en Français puis avec la traduction Anglaise. À la suite d’une demande particulière, elle commença dès 2014 à monter ses poèmes en audio vidéo à destination des déficients visuels.

Devant l’engouement de ses lecteurs, elle publia en 2016 : Dans les tourmentes de l’amour et  Voile d’ambre, recueils de poésies en Français, puis se lança dans l’auto édition en 2017,  Doux abandon/Sweet abandon en Français/Anglais ainsi que son premier roman d’amour Improbable avenir  puis un thriller Les cris se sont tus, tous deux inspirés de faits réels.

Reconnue sur la blogosphère elle fait partie des nombreux poètes qui ont participé en 2021 à la première anthologie de « HERA – The light of women »

Si vous désirez acheter un de ses livres ou ses recueils de poèmes. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous:


Gyslaine LE GAL was born in Nantes in France. She started writing love poems by creating her blog, first in French then with the English translation. Following a specific request, in 2014 she began to produce her poems in audio video for the visually impaired.
Faced with the enthusiasm of her readers, she published in 2016: Dans les tormentes de l’amour and Voile d’ambre, collections of poetry in French, then launched into self-publishing in 2017, Doux abandonment/Sweet abandonment in French /English as well as his first romance novel Improbable Future then a thriller Les cris se s’ile, both inspired by real events.
Recognized on the blogosphere, she is one of the many poets who participated in 2021 in the first anthology of “HERA – The light of women” Coast.

Article d’un de mes lecteurs « Duc Joshadel » paru sur son blog le 9 Avril 2020 

Articles et divers

Gyslaine Le Gal né en 1956 à Nantes, romancière et poète renommée qui a débuté par des poèmes d’amour traduits en Anglais. Ses poésies bien écrites tant dans la forme que dans le fond, expriment un tel partage de lyrisme que le lecteur à cette profonde impression de se projeter dans un monde de rêverie et de songes. Personnage émotif, simple et humble, d’une force de volonté et de détermination inouïe, un trait positif que possède cette auteure, à découvrir par ses nombreux ouvrages. En outre, elle continue toujours et encore à publier. Les dernières  publications en date, trois romans inspirés d’histoires vraies :

Improbable avenir (rencontre sur internet)
Les cris se sont tus (mémoire traumatique et victimologie, violences sur les enfants)
Elle a tué l’ homme que j’ étais (mémoire traumatique et victimologie – violences conjugales)

Magnifique poésie de la poète Gyslaine Le Gal

49 commentaires sur « L’auteure »

  1. Hello and thanks for dropping in to the beeseeker blog – I really appreciate you taking thetimne to track it down – and, hey – sky is a good choice. Hope to « see » you again soon: maybe here, maybe there.
    Be happy!


  2. Hello Lgyslaine,

    Happy New Year to you! I know it is the 14th of January already, but I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. 🙂

    Also, I would like to thank you for your recent follow to my blog. I hope my poems and short stories do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride. Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein


      1. hehe, yes, that’s right, feel free to leave if you find the short stories and poems are no longer interesting or inspirational. I haven’t got anything to post since early December until now, I will only do my post on Thursday this week, my first post, so in the time being I hope you enjoy what is available in my blog. Until then, take care, many blessings and much love to you.. 🙂

        Subhan Zein


  3. Hello! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st. — Sebastian


  4. Thank you for visiting, Gys.

    I am always amazed by people who straddle two laguages – not merely speak but can write poetry in both. That is a gift – it provides a venue to literally bridge cultures and promote peace and harmony.

    All good wishes, Eric


  5. Bonjour Madame’

    vous êtes le meilleur

    I really wanted to ThankYou from my heart for reading me so frequently, and i really treasure your comments from I feel they are very real and genuine,,,,,,,,THANKYOU very much, I’m really fortunate to blessed with readers like you

    Dieu vous bénisse!

    God Bless


    (And, I do not know French, used google for all that…..so forgive me if there r faults in it,,,just a gesture to show that I really admire you…ThankU)


    1. Debaroon, know that i appreciate this effort to talk in my language. And no problems if you do some mistakes. Know too, that english isn’t my native language and i do faults too. If i go to read your post, this is because i like them, it is very simple 🙂 When i don’t like something i don’t do. Have a good day 🙂


  6. Bonjour de Toulouse! Nantes?… everything happens for a reason: je viens de voir un reportage sur Nantes, ville agréable à vivre et ma meilleure amie s’appelle Édith et elle est de Nantes! I’m serious. Je viens de découvrir ton blog via Don et je vais le parcourir dans la mesure du temps libre… 🙂 Amitiés toulousaines, bonne santé et un après-midi agréable, Mélanie


  7. Salut Gyslaine,

    Mon nomme est Kevin Gillespie, je le fais, prefere de beaucoup etre appele Kev bien. 🙂

    Je vis au Pays de Galles, et je suis maintenant la suite de votre Blog. :).

    Meillurs Voeux. 🙂
    Kev. 🙂


  8. dear Gys, I visited Paris for three days in July of 1974…I was in training at the time to become a nun…I loved the time, short as it was…was only « allowed » to stand at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower…but viewed it all the same! I had heard about it since I was young. Notre Dame–Oh my–what can I say about the flying buttresses! Magnificent! I learned only a little French during my initiation into the Order. I live in the countryside, near Palmyra, WI, USA. Wisconsin has rolling hills, little farms, many lakes and a mixture of cultures and people. I am so honored that you visit my blog and leave comments–every writer loves those, yes?! May you have a pleasant weekend! You have a very romantic heart! I love your poetry!


  9. dear Gyselaine, I have nominated you for the SEMPER FIDELIS AWARD: Please go to my site to find it and what you need to do to accept the award. Merci!
    This description was written by Patty of http://petitemagique.wordpress.com: Semper Fidelis is Latin and means Always Loyal. Loyalty means the world to me. I am very loyal myself, but I’ve got major trust issues as well. And I think trust is very important if you are sharing so much of yourself with people you meet through the internet. So I am working on that! 🙂 Why the wolves? Because wolves have very strong ties with their pack. Like a family or a great group of friends. And I just love them! This award stands for the loyalty and love between friends.

    The Rules:

    Add the Semper Fidelis Award logo somewhere on your blog.
    Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
    Nominate 5 bloggers who’s loyalty and friendship you value and you consider being part of your ‘pack of wolves’ on WordPress.
    Post something special for each one of your nominees and dedicate it to them. This can be a quote, saying, poem, picture, anything you think that would fit that person.
    Let the nominees know that you’ve nominated them.

    I am very grateful to Patty of http://petitemagique.wordpress.com for her award to me!

    My pack of wolves are: 🙂

    *Gyslaine: https://lgyslaine.wordpress.com

    Gyslaine is a beautiful poet from France, whose gentle words have healed me. This quote makes me think of her because despite challenges in her life, she goes forward and towards life. She inspires me to do the same:

    Anaïs Nin“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”
    ― Anaïs Nin

    If you go to my site, you will find an image of the award…I do not seem to be able to copy and paste it to your blog. Sorry! Please accept this award!


  10. « Poetess wrapped in tears » – such a beautiful image with these words; one of longing and being. I like this. Also – is this your home in the pictures? The surroundings would inspire me…


  11. Bonjour! Je suis etudiante de literature d’anglais, j’apprendrais le francaise aussi. J’aime les poemes. Vous ecrivez tres bien. Votre poemes sont tres inspirant. Je aussi ecris poemes en anglais et urdu. Je veux devener un grand poetess 🙂


  12. Vous écrivez, donc, d’abord en français et puis faites vos propres traductions vers l’anglais? Ça me fait plaisir de trouver un autre écrivain bilingue. Ma grande ambition (après la mort ?) serait d’écrire dans une troisième qui serait un mélange des deux précédents. Bien cordialement, William Eaton, Montaigbakhtinian.com

    Aimé par 1 personne

    1. Je vous remercie d’avoir laissé votre opinion en ce qui concerne la traduction. Pour ma part je considère qu’aucune autre langue n’équivaudra la richesse de la langue Française. Bonne journée à vous ! Cordialement 🙂


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